Connect To Us Online

There are a number of ways we will communicate during class. The primary channel will be Slack. A solid secondary channel (and one you should be comfortable using) is IRC


You should have received an invitation to join the Code Fellows Slack community. Make sure you can connect and interact. Take the time to set up your personal preferences so that you get notifications. You will also want to set your email preferences to allow you to hear about it when you are notified even if you aren’t logged in. Make sure you join the class channel (the course number is the channel name)


Inernet Relay Chat (IRC) despite being an ancient chat protocol, is a primary communications and support channel throughout the open source community. It’s important that you’re familiar with it and can utilize it for help and to connect with others in the community.

If you do not already have one, obtain and install an IRC client.

For the Mac, best free client is LimeChat. Other options include Textual or Colloquy.

On Unix, your package manager should have XChat or Pidgin.

Connect to the class IRC channel (#codefellows on and say hello.

It’s a good idea to register a nickname with Freenode. Registered nicknames are required for certain channels (like #python), and a stable nickname helps build reputation over time. Type /msg NickServ help to get started from your IRC client. is a great intro site if you’re new to IRC

Submitting Your Work

There is no submission for this assignment. We’ll see you on the #codefellows channel in IRC and in the class channel in Slack. It’s very useful for sending links to everyone during class.