Sign up for Lightning Talks

What’s a lightning talk? Watch this 5 minute video: How to Give an Awesome Lightning Talk by Steve Klabnik. Lightning talks are common to many open source communities. You will deliver two during the course of this class. They provide an excellent way to practice talking to your fellow developers about a topic of interest to you all.

This class is divided into two halves, the first five weeks and the second five weeks. Each student will be required to give a lightning talk during each of the two halves (for a total of two lightning talks).

There is a link to a schedule in this assignment in Canvas. Put in your name (and proposed talk title, as soon as you know what you’ll be speaking on) into one slot during week 2, 3 or 4 and one slot in week 6, 7, 8 or 9.

Submitting Your Work

There is no submission required for this assignment.

Points will be awarded when you’ve given your talks (each talk is worth 10 points).