Group Project: Add a README

It is now time to begin preparations for your Group Project. The next step for group projects is to add a README file to your project repository. The README file in a project repository is the primary means of advertising that project to any potential participants. It is also a way of demonstrating your abilities to recruiters, hiring managers and future co-workers. Take this step seriously.


Create a README file in your repository. The file should be written in Markdown (or, if you want to be really Pythonic, in reStructured Text). The file should contain the name and a short description of your project. It should also contain any instructions needed to successfully build a development environment to contribute to your project. In keeping with other README files you’ve created in class, it should list all participants in the project, and link to any sources or collaborations you use.

Clearly, not all of this will be in place when you first create this file. You should continue to extend the file as more of this information becomes settled. Strive to make the README both accurate and up-to-date by continually editing it as your project evolves.

Example README files, for inspiration:

Submitting Your Work

In the text area, write the name of your project and provide a link to the project repository.

Each team member must provide this submission.