Group Project: Begin User Stories

It is now time to begin preparations for your Group Project. The next step for group projects is to begin to generate user stories.


Create user stories that cover the functionality of your website. Your user stories should be in the form of simple sentences in the form “As a <user category> I want to <action> so that I can <business purpose>”. Including all three details in each user story help to clarify for whom the story is written, and the specific business purpose the functionality is intended to address. Do not forget developer-facing user stories like “as a developer I want to have one-command app deployment so I can re-deploy to production at will”.

If you have chosen to use an Agile tool like trello or scrumdo, write the stories there. It is equally valid to use github issues or milestones, or even a google doc, a paper notebook, or sticky notes. In general, tangling with complex management tools is a bit of overkill for a week-long project like this, so keep it simple.

Submitting Your Work

If you have an online resource where we can review your user stories, provide a link to it. Otherwise, make a list of user stories and paste them into the textbox. Please inlcude your team name an a link to your repository as well.

Each team member must provide this submission.