Group Project: Final Presentation

It is now time to present your group project.


Each group will have a set period of time between 10 and 20 minutes to show their work. Each team member should speak during the presentation. You will want to talk about what your project does, and how it works. You should talk about the technical and personal challenges you faced and conquered during project week.

Your presentation should show your work in the best possible light. Try to keep it engaging and fast-paced. Do not get too bogged down in technical details, instead focus on a high-level overview of the project. Slides are not required, but you must show the result of your project running on a remote server.

Finally, your project must have tests. At some point during your presentation you will be asked to run these tests. They must run and they must pass. You will run them on the computer that is presenting, so make sure they run on all your machines.

Submitting Your Work

Your submission should be a single reverse pull request. Check out a commit early in the project, after you set up the repository, but before you started any programming work. Create a new branch from that commit. Push the new branch to GitHub. Make a pull request from your master branch (or whatever branch represents the presented state of your project) to this new branch.

Submit a URL to that pull request.