

  • Take advantage of contiguous memory to organize fixed-width groups of bits (data) in a list.
  • In the most basic version, it cannot be changed (immutable). A number of memory slots are allocated and filled with data
  • Arrays are used to represent matrices, vectors (tuples in Python).
  • Random access to data

Base Definition and Operations

Ignoring size, an array may be seen as a data type with the following operations

  • new(N): create a new array of length N
  • set(A, i, v): in array A set the value at index i to v
  • get(A, i): get the value of the i``th element of array ``A
  • size(A): return the size/length of the array
  • remove(A, i): removes a value from the array, maintaining array size

where i is a numeric index, v is a value, and A is an array.


  • index: a position in the array
  • value: an element in the array


We will implement the array with a container (node) for one item, and an array class to hold all the items.

Implementing the Node

First, a container for one item:

class Node(object):
    def __init__(self, value):
        """The keeper of individual data"""
        self.value = value

    def __repr__(self):
        """Display the data in this node"""
        return str(self.value)

Implementing the Array

Then, initialize the arrray class:

class Array(object):
    def __init__(self, length):
        """Create a new Array object, ready for filling!"""
        container = [None] * length
        self._container = container

Get, set, and remove values by index:

def get(self, index):
    """Get the value of the item at the given index"""
    if hasattr(self._container[index], "value"):
        return self._container[index].value
    return "None"

def set(self, index, value):
    """Set the item at the given index to the given value"""
    if value:
        new_node = Node(value)
        self._container[index] = new_node
        self._container[index] = None

def remove(self, index):
    """Remove the value at the given index"""
    self.set(index, None)

Query size and represent the array:

def __repr__(self):
    """Display the current state of the array"""
    return str([node.value if hasattr(node, "value") else None for node in self._container])

def __len__(self):
    """Return the size of the array"""
    return len(self._container)

Using Our Array


Create a new empty array of length N.

In [1]: my_array = Array(10)

In [2]: my_array
Out[2]: [None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None]

set(A, i, v)

In [3]: my_array.set(5, "kidney beans")

In [4]: my_array
Out[4]: [None, None, None, None, None, 'kidney beans', None, None, None, None]

get(A, i)

In [5]: my_array.get(5)
Out[5]: 'kidney beans'


In [6]: len(my_array)
Out[6]: 10

remove(A, i)

In [7]: my_array.remove(5)

In [8]: my_array
Out[8]: [None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None]