

A Binary Heap is the first tree-type data structure you’ll encounter. You create this structure by feeding in an array (Python list). It is a binary tree with two main properties:

  • Shape property: The tree is mostly complete with only the deepest level left unfilled. This level is filled with new nodes from left to right.

  • Heap property: The heap property has two modes dictating relationships between parent and child nodes
    • Max Heap: Each node is greater than or equal to its child nodes
    • Min Heap: Each node is less than or equal to its child nodes (see the image below)

Insertion: When inserting a new node into a Binary Heap, put it at the first open space. Once inserted, shift it into the proper position by comparing it to its parent node. Repeat as necessary.

An example of a Binary Heap. Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heap_(data_structure)


  • Efficient search

  • Sorts in place

  • Easy to retrieve top N items

  • When might I actually use this?
    • Quick minimum or quick maximum value in a set of values
    • (For the future): Djikstra’s algorithm
    • (For the future): Priority Queues


  • Nodes
    • left
    • right
    • parent
  • Heap
    • length, size


  • heapify()
  • insert()/push()
  • extract()/pop()