****************** TCP/IP and Sockets ****************** Computer Communications ======================= .. image:: /_static/network_topology.png :align: center :width: 50% image: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_Protocol_Suite * processes can communicate * inside one machine * between two machines * among many machines .. image:: /_static/data_in_tcpip_stack.png :align: center :width: 50% image: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_Protocol_Suite * This communications is divided into 'layers' * 'Layers' are mostly arbitrary * Different descriptions have different layers * Most common is the 'TCP/IP Stack' The TCP/IP Stack - Link ----------------------- The bottom layer is the 'Link Layer' * Deals with the physical connections between machines, 'the wire' * Packages data for physical transport * Executes transmission over a physical medium * what that medium is is arbitrary * Implemented in the Network Interface Card(s) (NIC) in your computer The TCP/IP Stack - Internet --------------------------- Moving up, we have the 'Internet Layer' * Deals with addressing and routing * Where are we going and how do we get there? * Agnostic as to physical medium (IP over Avian Carrier - IPoAC) * Makes no promises of reliability * Two addressing systems * IPv4 (current, limited '') * IPv6 (future, 3.4 x 10^38 addresses, '2001:0db8:85a3:0042:0000:8a2e:0370:7334') The TCP/IP Stack - Transport ---------------------------- Next up is the 'Transport Layer' * Deals with transmission and reception of data * error correction, flow control, congestion management * Common protocols include TCP & UDP * TCP: Tranmission Control Protocol * UDP: User Datagram Protocol * Not all Transport Protocols are 'reliable' * TCP ensures that dropped packets are resent * UDP makes no such assurance * Reliability is slow and expensive The 'Transport Layer' also establishes the concept of a **port** * IP Addresses designate a specific *machine* on the network * A **port** provides addressing for individual *applications* in a single host * (the *:80* part is the **port**) * [2001:db8:85a3:8d3:1319:8a2e:370:7348]:443 (*:443* is the **port**) This means that you don't have to worry about information intended for your web browser being accidentally read by your email client. There are certain **ports** which are commonly understood to belong to given applications or protocols: * 80/443 - HTTP/HTTPS * 20 - FTP * 22 - SSH * 23 - Telnet * 25 - SMTP * ... These ports are often referred to as **well-known ports** (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_TCP_and_UDP_port_numbers) Ports are grouped into a few different classes * Ports numbered 0 - 1023 are *reserved* * Ports numbered 1024 - 65535 are *open* * Ports numbered 1024 - 49151 may be *registered* * Ports numbered 49152 - 65535 are called *ephemeral* The TCP/IP Stack - Application ------------------------------ The topmost layer is the 'Application Layer' * Deals directly with data produced or consumed by an application * Reads or writes data using a set of understood, well-defined **protocols** * HTTP, SMTP, FTP etc. * Does not know (or need to know) about lower layer functionality * The exception to this rule is **endpoint** data (or IP:Port) this is where we live and work Sockets ======= Think back for a second to what we just finished discussing, the TCP/IP stack. * The *Internet* layer gives us an **IP Address** * The *Transport* layer establishes the idea of a **port**. * The *Application* layer doesn't care about what happens below... * *Except for* **endpoint data** (IP:Port) A **Socket** is the software representation of that endpoint. Opening a **socket** creates a kind of transceiver that can send and/or receive *bytes* at a given IP address and Port. Sockets in Python ----------------- Python provides a standard library module which provides socket functionality. It is called **socket**. The library is really just a very thin wrapper around the system implementation of *BSD Sockets* Let's spend a few minutes getting to know this module. We're going to do this next part together, so open up a terminal and start a python interpreter The Python sockets library allows us to find out what port a *service* uses: .. code-block:: pycon >>> import socket >>> socket.getservbyname('ssh') 22 You can also do a *reverse lookup*, finding what service uses a given *port*: small .. code-block:: pycon >>> socket.getservbyport(80) 'http' The sockets library also provides tools for finding out information about *hosts*. For example, you can find out about the hostname and IP address of the machine you are currently using: .. code-block:: pycon >>> socket.gethostname() 'heffalump.local' >>> socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname()) '' You can also find out about machines that are located elsewhere, assuming you know their hostname. For example: .. code-block:: pycon >>> socket.gethostbyname('google.com') '' >>> socket.gethostbyname('uw.edu') '' >>> socket.gethostbyname('crisewing.com') '' The ``gethostbyname_ex`` method of the ``socket`` library provides more information about the machines we are exploring: .. code-block:: pycon >>> socket.gethostbyname_ex('google.com') ('google.com', [], ['', '', ... '', '', '']) >>> socket.gethostbyname_ex('crisewing.com') ('crisewing.com', [], ['']) >>> socket.gethostbyname_ex('www.rad.washington.edu') ('elladan.rad.washington.edu', # <- canonical hostname ['www.rad.washington.edu'], # <- any machine aliases ['']) # <- all active IP addresses To create a socket, you use the **socket** method of the ``socket`` library. It takes up to three optional positional arguments (here we use none to get the default behavior): .. code-block:: pycon >>> foo = socket.socket() >>> foo A socket has some properties that are immediately important to us. These include the *family*, *type* and *protocol* of the socket:: >>> foo.family 2 >>> foo.type 1 >>> foo.proto 0 You might notice that the values for these properties are integers. In fact, these integers are **constants** defined in the socket library. A quick utility method ---------------------- Let's define a method in place to help us see these constants. It will take a single argument, the shared prefix for a defined set of constants: .. code-block:: pycon >>> def get_constants(prefix): ... """mapping of socket module constants to their names.""" ... return dict( ... (getattr(socket, n), n) ... for n in dir(socket) ... if n.startswith(prefix) ... ) ... >>> Socket Families =============== Think back a moment to our discussion of the *Internet* layer of the TCP/IP stack. There were a couple of different types of IP addresses: * IPv4 ('') * IPv6 ('2001:0db8:85a3:0042:0000:8a2e:0370:7334') The **family** of a socket corresponds to the *addressing system* it uses for connecting. Families defined in the ``socket`` library are prefixed by ``AF_``: .. code-block:: pycon >>> families = get_constants('AF_') >>> families {0: 'AF_UNSPEC', 1: 'AF_UNIX', 2: 'AF_INET', 11: 'AF_SNA', 12: 'AF_DECnet', 16: 'AF_APPLETALK', 17: 'AF_ROUTE', 23: 'AF_IPX', 30: 'AF_INET6'} *Your results may vary* Of all of these, the ones we care most about are ``2`` (IPv4) and ``30`` (IPv6). Unix Domain Sockets ------------------- When you are on a machine with an operating system that is Unix-like, you will find another generally useful socket family: ``AF_UNIX``, or Unix Domain Sockets. Sockets in this family: * connect processes **on the same machine** * are generally a bit slower than IPC connnections * have the benefit of allowing the same API for programs that might run on one machine __or__ across the network * use an 'address' that looks like a pathname ('/tmp/foo.sock') Test your skills ---------------- What is the *default* family for the socket we created just a moment ago? (remember we bound the socket to the symbol ``foo``) center How did you figure this out? Socket Types ============ The socket *type* determines the semantics of socket communications. Look up socket type constants with the ``SOCK_`` prefix: .. code-block:: pycon >>> types = get_constants('SOCK_') >>> types {1: 'SOCK_STREAM', 2: 'SOCK_DGRAM', ...} The most common are ``1`` (Stream communication (TCP)) and ``2`` (Datagram communication (UDP)). Test your skills ---------------- What is the *default* type for our generic socket, ``foo``? Socket Protocols ================ A socket also has a designated *protocol*. The constants for these are prefixed by ``IPPROTO_``: .. code-block:: pycon >>> protocols = get_constants('IPPROTO_') >>> protocols {0: 'IPPROTO_IP', 1: 'IPPROTO_ICMP', ..., 255: 'IPPROTO_RAW'} The choice of which protocol to use for a socket is determined by the *internet layer* protocol you intend to use. ``TCP``? ``UDP``? ``ICMP``? ``IGMP``? Test your skills ---------------- What is the *default* protocol used by our generic socket, ``foo``? Custom Sockets -------------- These three properties of a socket correspond to the three positional arguments you may pass to the socket constructor. Using them allows you to create sockets with specific communications profiles: .. code-block:: pycon >>> bar = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, ... socket.SOCK_DGRAM, ... socket.IPPROTO_UDP) ... >>> bar Address Information =================== When you are creating a socket to communicate with a remote service, the remote socket will have a specific communications profile. The local socket you create must match that communications profile. How can you determine the *correct* values to use? center You ask. The function ``socket.getaddrinfo`` provides information about available connections on a given host. .. code-block:: python socket.getaddrinfo('', 80) This provides all you need to make a proper connection to a socket on a remote host. The value returned is a tuple of: * socket family * socket type * socket protocol * canonical name (usually empty, unless requested by flag) * socket address (tuple of IP and Port) On Your Own Machine ------------------- Now, ask your own machine what possible connections are available for 'http': .. code-block:: pycon >>> socket.getaddrinfo(socket.gethostname(), 'http') [(2, 2, 17, '', ('', 80)), ... (30, 2, 17, '', ('fe80::e2f8:47ff:fe21:af92%en1', 80, 0, 5)), ... ] ... >>> What answers do you get? On the Internet --------------- .. code-block:: pycon >>> get_address_info('crisewing.com', 'http') [(2, 2, 17, '', ('', 80)), (2, 1, 6, '', ('', 80))] >>> Try a few other servers you know about. Communicating ============= Sockets communicate by sending a receiving messages. Let's test this by building a client socket and communicating with a server. Client Side Communications -------------------------- First, connect and send a message: .. code-block:: pycon >>> streams = [info ... for info in socket.getaddrinfo('crisewing.com', 'http') ... if info[1] == socket.SOCK_STREAM] >>> info = streams[0] >>> cewing_socket = socket.socket(*info[:3]) >>> cewing_socket.connect(info[-1]) >>> msg = "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n" >>> msg += "Host: crisewing.com\r\n\r\n" >>> cewing_socket.sendall(msg) >>> cewing_socket.shutdown(socket.SHUT_WR) Then, receive a reply, iterating until it is complete: .. code-block:: pycon >>> buffsize = 4096 >>> response = '' >>> done = False >>> while not done: ... msg_part = cewing_socket.recv(buffsize) ... if len(msg_part) < buffsize: ... done = True ... cewing_socket.close() ... response += msg_part ... >>> len(response) 19427 >>> cewing_socket.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RD) >>> cewing_socket.close() Sending Messages ---------------- There are two basic methods on a socket for sending messages, ``send`` and ``sendall``. We're using the latter here. * the transmission continues until all data is sent or an error occurs * success returns ``None`` * failure to send raises an error * you can use the type of error to figure out why the transmission failed * if an error occurs you **cannot** know how much, if any, of your data was sent With ``send``, you send the message one chunk at a time. You are responsible for checking if a particular chunk succeeded or not, and you are also responsible for determining when the full transmission is done. Receiving Messages ------------------ The ``recv`` method handles incoming messages in buffers. * The sole required argument is ``buffer_size`` (an integer). It should be a power of 2 and smallish (~4096) * It returns a byte string of ``buffer_size`` (or smaller if less data was received) * If the response is longer than ``buffer size``, you can call the method repeatedly. The last bunch will be less than ``buffer size``. Accumulators ------------ Hotice that receiving a message is not a one-and-done kind of thing We don't know how big the incoming message is before we start receiving it. As a result, we have to use the ``Accumulator`` pattern to gather incoming buffers of the message until there is no more to get. The ``recv`` method will return a string less than ``buffsize`` if there isn't any more to come. The EOT Problem --------------- Sockets do not have a concept of the "End Of Transmission". So what happens if the message coming in is an *exact multiple of the buffsize*? There are a couple of strategies for dealing with this. One is to punt to the *application level protocol* and allow it to predetermine the size of the message to come. HTTP works this way The other is to use the ``shutdown`` method of a socket to close that socket for reading, writing or both. When you do so, a 0-byte message is sent to the partner socket, allowing it to know that you are finished. For more information, read the `Python Socket Programming How-To`_. .. _Python Socket Programming How-To: http://docs.python.org/2/howto/sockets.html Exercises ========= Tonight you'll put this to work, first by walking through a basic client server interaction, then by building a basic echo server and client.