********************* Concurrency in Python ********************* We've been working for a few days now on writing servers and clients in Python. To do so, we've made extensive use of the ``socket`` library and the interface it provides to low-level network I/O primitives. There's a problem with the code we've been writing, however. It is ``blocking``. Consider the following code, part of our basic echo server: .. code-block:: python :linenos: :emphasize-lines: 10 def server(): address = ('', 10000) sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) sock.bind(address) sock.listen(5) buffsize = 16 try: while True: conn, addr = sock.accept() # blocking try: while True: data = conn.recv(buffsize) if data: conn.sendall(data) else: conn.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR) break finally: conn.close() except KeyboardInterrupt: sock.close() Line 10 of this block contains a ``blocking`` call to ``socket.accept``. This means that although in principle our server can handle more than one connection (it has a backlog of 5, right?), in fact it is only able to process one request at a time. Even for a trivial program like this, this is a problem. What if the message the client is sending us to be echoed back is the collected works of Shakespeare? Any other clients looking to have their simple messages echoed would be fored to wait while we process Shakespeare 16 bytes at a time. Operations that ``block`` like this are called *synchronous*. Getting around them is one of the tasks that comes with scaling a program. Simple Concurrency w/ ``select`` ================================ The Python standard library provides the ``select`` module to help us alleviate some of the issues with blocking I/O operations. The module provides ``select``, an interface to the underlying Unix ``select`` system call. The purpose of select is to take a list of possible I/O channels (file handles, Unix sockets, network sockets) and return lists of those that are ready to be read, written or in an error state. Consider the following update to our echo server code: .. code-block:: python :linenos: :emphasize-lines: 9, 10, 14, 31 def server(log_buffer=sys.stderr): address = ('', 10000) server_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) server_socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) server_socket.bind(address) server_socket.listen(5) buffsize = 16 input = [server_socket, sys.stdin] running = True while running: read_ready, write_ready, except_ready = select.select(input, [], [], 0) for readable in read_ready: if readable is server_socket: # spin up new handler sockets as clients connect handler_socket, address = readable.accept() # won't block now input.append(handler_socket) elif readable is sys.stdin: # handle any stdin by terminating the server sys.stdin.readline() running = False else: # handle each client connection 1 buffer at a time data = readable.recv(buffsize) # also won't block if data: # return one buffer's worth of message to the client readable.sendall(data) else: readable.close() input.remove(readable) server_socket.close() What's Changed -------------- This code has incorporated ``select.select`` in order to allow the outer loop to continue running regardless of the readiness of any given I/O operation. On line 9-10, we initialize a list of possible I/O sources by providing the server socket we've created and ``sys.stdin``, which we will use to gracefully terminate the server. On line 14, we pass this initialized list of I/O sources into a call to ``select.select`` as the potential readables. The list of potential writables and potential exceptions can be ignored for this application. By additionally providing a ``timeout`` value of ``0``, we ensure that this call to ``select.select`` will not block the loop. If no sources are ready for reading when the call is executed, the lists will be returned empty and we'll simply move on to the next iteration. When the list of I/O sources bound to ``read_ready`` is non-empty, we use a for loop construct to handle each read_ready source individually. Now, when we call ``accept`` on the original server socket on line 18, we can be assured that in fact a client *has* made a connection and the call will return immediately. When it does, we add the new socket it has given us, which represents the connection to the client, to the list of inputs so that it can be processed by ``select`` along with our server and stdin sources. Once a handler for a client has been added to the list of inputs, it might also be one of the items in the ``read_ready`` list returned by the call to ``select.`` This brings us to line 31, where a single buffer of data is received from the client. The data is immediately returned to the client, if present. In this way, a series of longer messages from clients may be handled concurrently, with each being dealt with one buffer at a time. All requests might take a bit longer than they would have if they came in one at a time, but the aggregate time spent for a message received when the load is heavy will be lower. Shakespeare will no longer prevent a smaller message from being processed in a timely fashion. What Hasn't Changed ------------------- For a simple process like this echo server, an update like this might be enough to solve the problem. But what if the job the server needs to accomplish for any given connection is more complex? Even if we are handling jobs "at the same time", we still need to deal with the length of time it takes each job to run through a given cycle. Although we've woven a number of tasks together, completing any one of them can still have a significant impact on how quickly any others might be completed. Batteries Included ================== Python provides us with a couple of possible solutions within the standard library: `threading`_ and `multiprocessing`_. Each takes a different approach to solving the problem of sharing resources among concurrent tasks. .. _threading: http://docs.python.org/2/library/threading.html .. _multiprocessing: http://docs.python.org/2/library/multiprocessing.html Threading --------- The ``threading`` module extends and provides a more useable API for the older, more basic ``thread`` module. You should never need to address the ``thread`` module directly. Threads are lightweight, independent processes that share the memory space used by the process that spawns them. This allows for great convenience in processing shared data. But that convenience comes at the price of complexity, as using threads can lead to race conditions, deadlocks and other hard-to-debug problems unless done with the greatest of care. To use threading in our echo server, we could spin off a new thread for every client connection and allow the thread to run itself. A reasonable example of this approach, implemented as a set of Python classes, `can be seen here`_. .. _can be seen here: http://ilab.cs.byu.edu/python/threadingmodule.html But threading doesn't really solve our problems. Although it *does* ostensibly create a separate process in which to run the handler code for a client connection, in reality, that process shares the GIL and so even though it is running 'separately', it's bound by the same resource limitations as simply using ``select``. Multiprocessing --------------- The ``multiprocessing`` module basically offers that same API as the threading module. So using it would look much like the example linked above, except that we would create the ``Client`` class as a subclass of ``multiprocessing.Process`` rather than ``threading.Thread``. Multiprocessing differs from threading in that it creates completely separate processes rather than lightweight threads. The processes created **do not share** memory space with each-other, and so if you have a need to mutate some shared state with multiprocessing, you'll need to pass messages or data from one process to another. On the other hand, because they do not share memory, much of the challenge of threaded programming is avoided. There is no worry about deadlocks and race conditions because no two processes are working with the same resources. It appears that there is general agreement that the future of concurrent programming in Python lies more along the path of multiprocessing than threading. It's easier to comprehend, fits better with the mental model most programmers have of processes running in isolation, and the drawbacks of isolation can be reduced with not too much effort. Asynchronous Concurrency ======================== Another approach to the issue of concurrency is to treat the problem asynchronously. This approach uses the idea of *events* to handle I/O outside the flow of the main process. If you think of the fact of a client connecting to a server socket as an event, then when such an event happens, you can hand off the problem of dealing with that event to a *handler*. The handler can go on it's merry way, doing what it needs to do, without concern for what happens back in the server process. There are two models for this type of *event-driven* operation: Callbacks and Coroutines. These two methods are nicely modeled by two well-known packages in the Python ecosystem: twisted and gevent With either of these packages, it's possible to write our echo server to handle incoming requests asynchronously. This can enable enourmous concurrency allowing a server to deal with incoming requests on the order of tens of thousands at once. For today, we'll be using gevent. The advantage of gevent over twisted is that it allows you to write code as if it were synchronous, without needing to worry about when it might be interrupted. The code for this example is remarkably light, simply because the majority of the work is done by a ``StreamServer`` class provided by gevent. All we have to do is write the portion that actually handles a single client connection. .. code-block:: python :linenos: def echo(socket, address): """a simple echoing handler for incoming client connections It will be used for each incoming connection on a separate greenlet. """ buffsize = 16 while True: data = socket.recv(buffsize) if data: socket.sendall(data) else: socket.close() break This code looks remarkably like the connection-handling code from our original server, and from the ``select`` version above. In fact, it is exactly the same, minus the work needed to manage readable sockets for select. Running this server is accomplished like so: .. code-block:: python :linenos: :emphasize-lines: 4 if __name__ == '__main__': from gevent.server import StreamServer from gevent.monkey import patch_all patch_all() server = StreamServer(('', 10000), echo) print('Starting echo server on port 10000') server.serve_forever() Note on line 4 the call to ``gevent.monkey.patch_all``. Gevent works by leveraging a low-level library called ``libevent``. To accomodate this library, it makes some changes to how blocking is handled by code in a number of standard Python libraries such as socket. In order to fully take advantage of these optimizations, calling one of the patch functions from ``gevent.monkey`` (or simply calling ``patch_all``) will apply these changes so that if you are using a library built on one of these bases (such as ``requests``) you can take advantage of the asynchronous I/O provided by gevent.