.. |br| raw:: html
********** Session 02 ********** .. figure:: /_static/protocol.png :align: center :width: 40% Web Protocols The Languages Computers Speak ============================= .. rst-class:: build left .. container:: Programming languages like Python are the languages we speak to computers. *Protocols* are the languages that computers speak to each-other. This sesson we'll look at a few of them and .. rst-class:: build * Learn what makes them similar * Learn what makes them different * Learn about Python's tools for speaking them * Learn how to speak one (HTTP) ourselves But First ---------- .. rst-class:: large centered Questions from the Homework? .. nextslide:: .. rst-class:: large centered Examples of an echo server using ``select`` What is a Protocol? ------------------- .. rst-class:: build large centered .. container:: **a set of rules or conventions** **governing communications** .. nextslide:: Protocols IRL Life has lots of sets of rules for how to do things. .. rst-class:: build * What do you say when you get on the elevator? * What do you do on a first date? * What do you wear to a job interview? * What do (and don't) you talk about at a dinner party? * ...? .. nextslide:: Protocols IRL .. figure:: /_static/icup.png :align: center :width: 65% http://blog.xkcd.com/2009/09/02/urinal-protocol-vulnerability/ .. nextslide:: Protocols In Computers Digital life has lots of rules too: .. rst-class:: build * how to say hello * how to identify yourself * how to ask for information * how to provide answers * how to say goodbye Real Protocol Examples ---------------------- What does this look like in practice? .. rst-class:: build * SMTP (Simple Message Transfer Protocol) |br| http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5321#appendix-D * POP3 (Post Office Protocol) |br| http://www.faqs.org/docs/artu/ch05s03.html * IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol) |br| http://www.faqs.org/docs/artu/ch05s03.html * HTTP (Hyper-Text Transfer Protocol) |br| http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypertext_Transfer_Protocol .. nextslide:: A Word on Typography Over the next few slides we'll be looking at server/client interactions. .. rst-class:: build .. container:: Each interaction is line-based, each line represents one message. Messages from the Server to the Client are prefaced with ``S (<--)`` Messages from the Client to the Server are prefaced with ``C (-->)`` **All** lines end with the character sequence ```` (``\r\n``) SMTP ---- What does SMTP look like? .. rst-class:: build .. container:: SMTP (Say hello and identify yourself):: S (<--): 220 foo.com Simple Mail Transfer Service Ready C (-->): EHLO bar.com S (<--): 250-foo.com greets bar.com S (<--): 250-8BITMIME S (<--): 250-SIZE S (<--): 250-DSN S (<--): 250 HELP .. nextslide:: .. ifslides:: What does SMTP look like? SMTP (Ask for information, provide answers):: C (-->): MAIL FROM: S (<--): 250 OK C (-->): RCPT TO: S (<--): 250 OK C (-->): RCPT TO: S (<--): 550 No such user here C (-->): DATA S (<--): 354 Start mail input; end with . C (-->): Blah blah blah... C (-->): ...etc. etc. etc. C (-->): . S (<--): 250 OK .. nextslide:: .. ifslides:: What does SMTP look like? SMTP (Say goodbye):: C (-->): QUIT S (<--): 221 foo.com Service closing transmission channel .. nextslide:: SMTP Characteristics .. rst-class:: build * Interaction consists of commands and replies * Each command or reply is *one line* terminated by |br| (there are exceptions, see the ``250`` reply to ``EHLO`` above) * The exception is message payload, terminated by . * Each command has a *verb* and one or more *arguments* * Each reply has a formal *code* and an informal *explanation* POP3 ---- What does POP3 look like? .. rst-class:: build .. container:: POP3 (Say hello and identify yourself):: C (-->): S (<--): +OK POP3 server ready <1896.6971@mailgate.dobbs.org> C (-->): USER bob S (<--): +OK bob C (-->): PASS redqueen S (<--): +OK bob's maildrop has 2 messages (320 octets) .. nextslide:: .. ifslides:: What does POP3 look like? POP3 (Ask for information, provide answers):: C (-->): STAT S (<--): +OK 2 320 C (-->): LIST S (<--): +OK 1 messages (120 octets) S (<--): 1 120 S (<--): . .. nextslide:: .. ifslides:: What does POP3 look like? POP3 (Ask for information, provide answers):: C (-->): RETR 1 S (<--): +OK 120 octets S (<--): S (<--): . C (-->): DELE 1 S (<--): +OK message 1 deleted .. nextslide:: .. ifslides:: What does POP3 look like? POP3 (Say goodbye):: C (-->): QUIT S (<--): +OK dewey POP3 server signing off (maildrop empty) C (-->): .. nextslide:: POP3 Characteristics .. rst-class:: build .. container:: .. rst-class:: build * Interaction consists of commands and replies * Each command or reply is *one line* terminated by * The exception is message payload, terminated by . * Each command has a *verb* and one or more *arguments* * Each reply has a formal *code* and an informal *explanation* The codes don't really look the same, though, do they? .. nextslide:: One Other Difference The exception to the one-line-per-message rule is *payload* .. rst-class:: build .. container:: In both SMTP and POP3 this is terminated by . In SMTP, the *client* has this ability But in POP3, it belongs to the *server*. .. rst-class:: large centered Why? IMAP ---- What does IMAP look like? .. rst-class:: build .. container:: IMAP (Say hello and identify yourself):: C (-->): S (<--): * OK example.com IMAP4rev1 v12.264 server ready C (-->): A0001 USER "frobozz" "xyzzy" S (<--): * OK User frobozz authenticated .. nextslide:: .. ifslides:: What does IMAP look like? IMAP (Ask for information, provide answers [connect to an inbox]):: C (-->): A0002 SELECT INBOX S (<--): * 1 EXISTS S (<--): * 1 RECENT S (<--): * FLAGS (\Answered \Flagged \Deleted \Draft \Seen) S (<--): * OK [UNSEEN 1] first unseen message in /var/spool/mail/esr S (<--): A0002 OK [READ-WRITE] SELECT completed .. nextslide:: .. ifslides:: What does IMAP look like? IMAP (Ask for information, provide answers [Get message sizes]):: C (-->): A0003 FETCH 1 RFC822.SIZE S (<--): * 1 FETCH (RFC822.SIZE 2545) S (<--): A0003 OK FETCH completed .. nextslide:: .. ifslides:: What does IMAP look like? IMAP (Ask for information, provide answers [Get first message header]):: C (-->): A0004 FETCH 1 BODY[HEADER] S (<--): * 1 FETCH (RFC822.HEADER {1425} S (<--): ) S (<--): A0004 OK FETCH completed .. nextslide:: .. ifslides:: What does IMAP look like? IMAP (Ask for information, provide answers [Get first message body]):: C (-->): A0005 FETCH 1 BODY[TEXT] S (<--): * 1 FETCH (BODY[TEXT] {1120} S (<--): ) S (<--): * 1 FETCH (FLAGS (\Recent \Seen)) S (<--): A0005 OK FETCH completed .. nextslide:: .. ifslides:: What does IMAP look like? IMAP (Say goodbye):: C (-->): A0006 LOGOUT S (<--): * BYE example.com IMAP4rev1 server terminating connection S (<--): A0006 OK LOGOUT completed C (-->): .. nextslide:: IMAP Characteristics .. rst-class:: build * Interaction consists of commands and replies * Each command or reply is *one line* terminated by * Each command has a *verb* and one or more *arguments* * Each reply has a formal *code* and an informal *explanation* .. nextslide:: IMAP Differences .. rst-class:: build .. container:: .. rst-class:: build * Commands and replies are prefixed by 'sequence identifier' * Payloads are prefixed by message size, rather than terminated by reserved sequence Compared with POP3, what do these differences suggest? Using IMAP in Python -------------------- Let's try this out for ourselves! .. rst-class:: build .. container:: .. container:: Fire up your python interpreters and prepare to type. .. nextslide:: Begin by importing the ``imaplib`` module from the Python Standard Library: .. rst-class:: build .. container:: .. code-block:: ipython In [1]: import imaplib In [2]: dir(imaplib) Out[2]: ['AllowedVersions', 'CRLF', 'Commands', ... 'timedelta', 'timezone'] In [3]: imaplib.Debug = 4 Setting ``imap.Debug`` shows us what is sent and received .. nextslide:: I've prepared a server for us to use, but we'll need to set up a client to speak to it. .. rst-class:: build .. container:: Our server requires SSL (Secure Socket Layer) for connecting to IMAP servers, so let's initialize an IMAP4_SSL client and authenticate: .. code-block:: ipython In [4]: conn = imaplib.IMAP4_SSL('mail.webfaction.com') 22:40.32 imaplib version 2.58 22:40.32 new IMAP4 connection, tag=b'IMKC' 22:40.38 < b'* OK [CAPABILITY IMAP4rev1 LITERAL+ SASL-IR LOGIN-REFERRALS ID ENABLE IDLE AUTH=PLAIN] Dovecot ready.' 22:40.38 > b'IMKC0 CAPABILITY' 22:40.45 < b'* CAPABILITY IMAP4rev1 LITERAL+ SASL-IR LOGIN-REFERRALS ID ENABLE IDLE AUTH=PLAIN' 22:40.45 < b'IMKC0 OK Capability completed.' 22:40.45 CAPABILITIES: ('IMAP4REV1', 'LITERAL+', 'SASL-IR', 'LOGIN-REFERRALS', 'ID', 'ENABLE', 'IDLE', 'AUTH=PLAIN') In [5]: conn.login('crisewing_demobox', 's00p3rs3cr3t') 22:59.92 > b'IMKC1 LOGIN crisewing_demobox "s00p3rs3cr3t"' 23:01.79 < b'* CAPABILITY IMAP4rev1 SASL-IR SORT THREAD=REFERENCES MULTIAPPEND UNSELECT LITERAL+ IDLE CHILDREN NAMESPACE LOGIN-REFERRALS STARTTLS AUTH=PLAIN' 23:01.79 < b'IMKC1 OK Logged in.' Out[5]: ('OK', [b'Logged in.']) .. nextslide:: We can start by listing the mailboxes we have on the server: .. code-block:: ipython In [6]: conn.list() 26:30.64 > b'IMKC2 LIST "" *' 26:30.72 < b'* LIST (\\HasNoChildren) "." "Trash"' 26:30.72 < b'* LIST (\\HasNoChildren) "." "Drafts"' 26:30.72 < b'* LIST (\\HasNoChildren) "." "Sent"' 26:30.72 < b'* LIST (\\HasNoChildren) "." "Junk"' 26:30.72 < b'* LIST (\\HasNoChildren) "." "INBOX"' 26:30.72 < b'IMKC2 OK List completed.' Out[6]: ('OK', [b'(\\HasNoChildren) "." "Trash"', b'(\\HasNoChildren) "." "Drafts"', b'(\\HasNoChildren) "." "Sent"', b'(\\HasNoChildren) "." "Junk"', b'(\\HasNoChildren) "." "INBOX"']) .. nextslide:: To interact with our email, we must select a mailbox from the list we received earlier: .. code-block:: ipython In [7]: conn.select('INBOX') 27:20.96 > b'IMKC3 SELECT INBOX' 27:21.04 < b'* FLAGS (\\Answered \\Flagged \\Deleted \\Seen \\Draft)' 27:21.04 < b'* OK [PERMANENTFLAGS (\\Answered \\Flagged \\Deleted \\Seen \\Draft \\*)] Flags permitted.' 27:21.04 < b'* 1 EXISTS' 27:21.04 < b'* 0 RECENT' 27:21.04 < b'* OK [UNSEEN 1] First unseen.' 27:21.04 < b'* OK [UIDVALIDITY 1357449499] UIDs valid' 27:21.04 < b'* OK [UIDNEXT 24] Predicted next UID' 27:21.04 < b'IMKC3 OK [READ-WRITE] Select completed.' Out[7]: ('OK', [b'1']) .. nextslide:: We can search our selected mailbox for messages matching one or more criteria. .. rst-class:: build .. container:: The return value is a list of bytestrings containing the UIDs of messages that match our search: .. code-block:: ipython In [8]: conn.search(None, '(FROM "cris")') 28:43.02 > b'IMKC4 SEARCH (FROM "cris")' 28:43.09 < b'* SEARCH 1' 28:43.09 < b'IMKC4 OK Search completed.' Out[8]: ('OK', [b'1']) .. nextslide:: Once we've found a message we want to look at, we can use the ``fetch`` command to read it from the server. .. rst-class:: build .. container:: IMAP allows fetching each part of a message independently: .. code-block:: ipython In [9]: conn.fetch('1', 'BODY[HEADER]') ... Out[9]: ('OK', ...) In [10]: conn.fetch('1', 'FLAGS') ... Out[10]: ('OK', [b'1 (FLAGS (\\Seen))']) In [11]: conn.fetch('1', 'BODY[TEXT]') ... Out[11]: ('OK', ...) What does the message say? .. nextslide:: Batteries Included Python even includes an *email* library that would allow us to interact with this message in an *OO* style. .. rst-class:: build .. container:: *Neat, Huh?* What Have We Learned? --------------------- .. rst-class:: build .. container:: .. rst-class:: build * Protocols are just a set of rules for how to communicate * Protocols tell us how to parse and delimit messages * Protocols tell us what messages are valid * If we properly format request messages to a server, we can get response messages * Python supports a number of these protocols * So we don't have to remember how to format the commands ourselves But in every case we've seen, we could do the same thing with a socket and some strings Break Time ---------- Let's take a few minutes here to clear our heads. .. rst-class:: build .. container:: When we return, we'll learn about the king of protocols, .. rst-class:: large centered HTTP HTTP ==== .. rst-class:: left .. container:: HTTP is no different .. rst-class:: build .. container:: HTTP is also message-centered, with two-way communications: .. rst-class:: build * Requests (Asking for information) * Responses (Providing answers) What does HTTP look like? ------------------------- HTTP (Ask for information): .. code-block:: http GET /index.html HTTP/1.1 Host: www.example.com .. ifnotslides:: .. note:: the ```` you see here is a visualization of the ``\r\n`` character sequence. .. ifslides:: **note**: the ```` you see here is a visualization of the ``\r\n`` character sequence. .. nextslide:: HTTP (Provide answers): .. code-block:: http HTTP/1.1 200 OK Date: Mon, 23 May 2005 22:38:34 GMT Server: Apache/ (Unix) (Red-Hat/Linux) Last-Modified: Wed, 08 Jan 2003 23:11:55 GMT Etag: "3f80f-1b6-3e1cb03b" Accept-Ranges: none Content-Length: 438 Connection: close Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8 \n\n \n This is a .... </html> Pay particular attention to the ``<CRLF>`` on a line by itself. .. nextslide:: HTTP Core Format In HTTP, both *request* and *response* share a common basic format: .. rst-class:: build * Line separators are <CRLF> (familiar, no?) * A required initial line (a command or a response code) * A (mostly) optional set of headers, one per line * A blank line * An optional body Implementing HTTP ----------------- Let's investigate the HTTP protocol a bit in real life. .. rst-class:: build .. container:: We'll do so by building a simplified HTTP server, one step at a time. There is a copy of the echo server from last time in ``resources/session02``. It's called ``http_server.py``. In a terminal, move into that directory. We'll be doing our work here for the rest of the session .. nextslide:: TDD IRL (a quick aside) Test Driven Development (TDD) is all the rage these days. .. rst-class:: build .. container:: It means that before you write code, you first write tests demonstrating what you want your code to do. When all your tests pass, you are finished. You did this for your last assignment. We'll be doing it again today. .. nextslide:: Run the Tests From inside ``resources/session02`` start a second python interpreter and run ``$ python http_server.py`` .. rst-class:: build .. container:: In your first interpreter run the tests. You should see similar output: .. code-block:: bash $ python tests.py [...] Ran 10 tests in 0.054s FAILED (failures=3, errors=7) Let's take a few minutes here to look at these tests and understand them. .. nextslide:: Viewing an HTTP Request Our job is to make all those tests pass. .. rst-class:: build .. container:: First, though, let's pretend this server really is a functional HTTP server. This time, instead of using the echo client to make a connection to the server, let's use a web browser! Point your favorite browser at ``http://localhost:10000`` .. nextslide:: A Bad Interaction First, look at the printed output from your echo server. .. rst-class:: build .. container:: Second, note that your browser is still waiting to finish loading the page Moreover, your server should also be hung, waiting for more from the 'client' This is because the server is waiting for the browser to respond And at the same time, the browser is waiting for the server to indicate it is done. Our server does not yet speak the HTTP protocol, but the browser is expecting it. .. nextslide:: Echoing A Request Kill your server with ``ctrl-c`` (the keyboard interrupt) and you should see some printed content in your browser: .. rst-class:: build .. container:: .. code-block:: http GET / HTTP/1.1 Host: localhost:10000 User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.6; rv:22.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/22.0 Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8 Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5 Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate DNT: 1 Cookie: __utma=111872281.383966302.1364503233.1364503233.1364503233.1; __utmz=111872281.1364503233.1.1.utmcsr=(direct)|utmccn=(direct)|utmcmd=(none); csrftoken=uiqj579iGRbReBHmJQNTH8PFfAz2qRJS Connection: keep-alive Cache-Control: max-age=0 Your server is simply echoing what it receives, so this is an *HTTP Request* as sent by your browser. .. nextslide:: HTTP Debugging When working on HTTP applications, it's nice to be able to see all this going back and forth. .. rst-class:: build .. container:: Good browsers support this with a set of developer tools built-in. .. rst-class:: build * firefox -> ctrl-shift-K or cmd-opt-K (os X) * safari -> enable in preferences:advanced then cmd-opt-i * chrome -> ctrl-shift-i or cmd-opt-i (os X) * IE (7.0+) -> F12 or tools menu -> developer tools The 'Net(work)' pane of these tools can show you both request and response, headers and all. Very useful. .. nextslide:: Stop! Demo Time .. rst-class:: centered **Let's take a quick look** .. nextslide:: Other Debugging Options Sometimes you need or want to debug http requests that are not going through your browser. .. rst-class:: build .. container:: Or perhaps you need functionality that is not supported by in-browser tools (request munging, header mangling, decryption of https request/responses) Then it might be time for an HTTP debugging proxy: .. rst-class:: build * windows: http://www.fiddler2.com/fiddler2/ * win/osx/linux: http://www.charlesproxy.com/ We won't cover any of these tools here today. But you can check them out when you have the time. Step 1: Basic HTTP Protocol --------------------------- In HTTP 1.0, the only required line in an HTTP request is this: .. code-block:: http GET /path/to/index.html HTTP/1.0<CRLF> <CRLF> .. rst-class:: build .. container:: As virtual hosting grew more common, that was not enough, so HTTP 1.1 adds a single required *header*, **Host**: .. code-block:: http GET /path/to/index.html HTTP/1.1<CRLF> Host: www.mysite1.com:80<CRLF> <CRLF> .. nextslide:: HTTP Responses In both HTTP 1.0 and 1.1, a proper response consists of an intial line, followed by optional headers, a single blank line, and then optionally a response body: .. rst-class:: build .. container:: .. code-block:: http HTTP/1.1 200 OK<CRLF> Content-Type: text/plain<CRLF> <CRLF> this is a pretty minimal response Let's update our server to return such a response. .. nextslide:: Returning a Canned HTTP Response Begin by implementing a new function in your ``http_server.py`` script called `response_ok`. .. rst-class:: build .. container:: It can be super-simple for now. We'll improve it later. .. container:: It needs to return our minimal response from above: .. code-block:: http HTTP/1.1 200 OK<CRLF> Content-Type: text/plain<CRLF> <CRLF> this is a pretty minimal response **Remember, <CRLF> is a placeholder for the** ``\r\n`` **character sequence** .. nextslide:: My Solution .. code-block:: python def response_ok(): """returns a basic HTTP response""" resp = [] resp.append(b"HTTP/1.1 200 OK") resp.append(b"Content-Type: text/plain") resp.append(b"") resp.append(b"this is a pretty minimal response") return b"\r\n".join(resp) Did you remember that sockets only accept bytes? .. nextslide:: Run The Tests We've now implemented a function that is tested by our tests. Let's run them again: .. rst-class:: build .. container:: .. code-block:: bash $ python tests.py [...] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 10 tests in 0.002s FAILED (failures=3, errors=3) Great! We've now got 4 tests that pass. Good work. .. nextslide:: Server Modifications Next, we need to rebuild the server loop from our echo server for it's new purpose: .. rst-class:: build .. container:: It should now wait for an incoming request to be *finished*, *then* send a response back to the client. The response it sends can be the result of calling our new ``response_ok`` function for now. We could also bump up the ``recv`` buffer size to something more reasonable for HTTP traffic, say 1024. .. nextslide:: My Solution .. code-block:: python # ... try: while True: print('waiting for a connection', file=log_buffer) conn, addr = sock.accept() # blocking try: print('connection - {0}:{1}'.format(*addr), file=log_buffer) while True: data = conn.recv(1024) if len(data) < 1024: break print('sending response', file=log_buffer) response = response_ok() conn.sendall(response) finally: conn.close() # ... .. nextslide:: Run The Tests Once you've got that set, restart your server:: $ python http_server.py .. rst-class:: build .. container:: Then you can re-run your tests: .. code-block:: bash $ python tests.py [...] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 10 tests in 0.003s FAILED (failures=2, errors=3) Five tests now pass! Step 2: Handling HTTP Methods ----------------------------- Every HTTP request **must** begin with a single line, broken by whitespace into three parts: .. code-block:: http GET /path/to/index.html HTTP/1.1 .. rst-class:: build .. container:: The three parts are the *method*, the *URI*, and the *protocol* Let's look at each in turn. .. nextslide:: HTTP Methods **GET** ``/path/to/index.html HTTP/1.1`` .. rst-class:: build * Every HTTP request must start with a *method* * There are four main HTTP methods: .. rst-class:: build * GET * POST * PUT * DELETE * There are others, notably HEAD, but you won't see them too much .. nextslide:: HTTP Methods These four methods are mapped to the four basic steps (*CRUD*) of persistent storage: .. rst-class:: build * POST = Create * GET = Read * PUT = Update * DELETE = Delete .. nextslide:: Methods: Safe <--> Unsafe HTTP methods can be categorized as **safe** or **unsafe**, based on whether they might change something on the server: .. rst-class:: build .. container:: .. rst-class:: build * Safe HTTP Methods * GET * Unsafe HTTP Methods * POST * PUT * DELETE This is a *normative* distinction, which is to say **be careful** .. nextslide:: Methods: Idempotent <--> ??? HTTP methods can be categorized as **idempotent**. .. rst-class:: build .. container:: This means that a given request will always have the same result: .. rst-class:: build * Idempotent HTTP Methods * GET * PUT * DELETE * Non-Idempotent HTTP Methods * POST Again, *normative*. The developer is responsible for ensuring that it is true. .. nextslide:: HTTP Method Handling Let's keep things simple, our server will only respond to *GET* requests. .. rst-class:: build .. container:: We need to create a function that parses a request and determines if we can respond to it: ``parse_request``. If the request method is not *GET*, our method should raise an error Remember, although a request is more than one line long, all we care about here is the first line .. nextslide:: My Solution .. code-block:: python def parse_request(request): first_line = request.split("\r\n", 1)[0] method, uri, protocol = first_line.split() if method != "GET": raise NotImplementedError("We only accept GET") print('request is okay', file=sys.stderr) .. nextslide:: Update the Server We'll also need to update the server code. It should .. rst-class:: build * save the request as it comes in * check the request using our new function * send an OK response if things go well .. nextslide:: My Solution .. code-block:: python # ... conn, addr = sock.accept() # blocking try: print('connection - {0}:{1}'.format(*addr), file=log_buffer) request = "" while True: data = conn.recv(1024) request += data.decode('utf8') if len(data) < 1024 or not data: break parse_request(request) print('sending response', file=log_buffer) response = response_ok() conn.sendall(response) finally: conn.close() # ... .. nextslide:: Run The Tests Quit and restart your server now that you've updated the code:: $ python http_server.py .. rst-class:: build .. container:: At this point, we should have seven tests passing: .. code-block:: bash $ python tests.py Ran 10 tests in 0.002s FAILED (failures=1, errors=2) .. nextslide:: What About a Browser? The server quit during the tests, but an HTTP request from the browser should work fine now. .. rst-class:: build .. container:: Restart the server and reload your browser. You should see your OK response. We can use the ``simple_client.py`` script in our resources to test our error condition. In a second terminal window run the script like so:: $ python simple_client.py "POST / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n" This should cause the server to crash. Step 3: Error Responses ----------------------- Okay, so the outcome there was pretty ugly. The client went off the rails, and our server has terminated as well. .. rst-class:: build .. container:: .. rst-class:: centered **why?** The HTTP protocol allows us to handle errors like this more gracefully. .. rst-class:: centered **Enter the Response Code** .. nextslide:: HTTP Response Codes ``HTTP/1.1`` **200 OK** All HTTP responses must include a **response code** indicating the outcome of the request. .. rst-class:: build .. container:: .. rst-class:: build * 1xx (HTTP 1.1 only) - Informational message * 2xx - Success of some kind * 3xx - Redirection of some kind * 4xx - Client Error of some kind * 5xx - Server Error of some kind The text bit makes the code more human-readable .. nextslide:: Common Response Codes There are certain HTTP response codes you are likely to see (and use) most often: .. rst-class:: build .. container:: .. rst-class:: build * ``200 OK`` - Everything is good * ``301 Moved Permanently`` - You should update your link * ``304 Not Modified`` - You should load this from cache * ``404 Not Found`` - You've asked for something that doesn't exist * ``500 Internal Server Error`` - Something bad happened Do not be afraid to use other, less common codes in building good apps. There are a lot of them for a reason. See http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec10.html .. nextslide:: Handling our Error Luckily, there's an error code that is tailor-made for this situation. .. rst-class:: build .. container:: The client has made a request using a method we do not support ``405 Method Not Allowed`` Let's add a new function that returns this error code. It should be called ``response_method_not_allowed`` Remember, it must be a complete HTTP Response with the correct *code* .. nextslide:: My Solution .. code-block:: python def response_method_not_allowed(): """returns a 405 Method Not Allowed response""" resp = [] resp.append(b"HTTP/1.1 405 Method Not Allowed") resp.append(b"") return b"\r\n".join(resp) .. nextslide:: Server Updates Again, we'll need to update the server to handle this error condition correctly. It should .. rst-class:: build * catch the exception raised by the ``parse_request`` function * create our new error response as a result * if no exception is raised, then create the OK response * return the generated response to the user .. nextslide:: My Solution .. code-block:: python # ... while True: data = conn.recv(1024) request += data.decode('utf8') if len(data) < 1024: break try: parse_request(request) except NotImplementedError: response = response_method_not_allowed() else: response = response_ok() print('sending response', file=log_buffer) conn.sendall(response) # ... .. nextslide:: Run The Tests Start your server (or restart it if by some miracle it's still going). .. rst-class:: build .. container:: Then run the tests again:: $ python tests.py [...] Ran 10 tests in 0.002s OK Wahoo! All our tests are passing. That means we are done writing code for now. Step 4: Serving Resources ------------------------- We've got a very simple server that accepts a request and sends a response. But what happens if we make a different request? .. rst-class:: build .. container:: .. container:: In your web browser, enter the following URL:: http://localhost:10000/page .. container:: What happened? What happens if you use this URL:: http://localhost:10000/section/page? .. nextslide:: Determining a Resource We expect different urls to result in different responses. .. rst-class:: build .. container:: Each separate *path* provided should map to a *resource* But this isn't happening with our server, for obvious reasons. It brings us back to the second element of that first line of an HTTP request. .. rst-class:: centered **The Return of the URI** .. nextslide:: HTTP Requests: URI ``GET`` **/path/to/index.html** ``HTTP/1.1`` .. rst-class:: build * Every HTTP request must include a **URI** used to determine the **resource** to be returned * URI?? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/176264/whats-the-difference-between-a-uri-and-a-url/1984225#1984225 * Resource? Files (html, img, .js, .css), but also: .. rst-class:: build * Dynamic scripts * Raw data * API endpoints .. nextslide:: Parsing a Request Our ``parse_request`` method actually already finds the ``uri`` in the first line of a request .. rst-class:: build .. container:: All we need to do is update the method so that it *returns* that uri Then we can use it. .. nextslide:: My Solution .. code-block:: python def parse_request(request): first_line = request.split("\r\n", 1)[0] method, uri, protocol = first_line.split() if method != "GET": raise NotImplementedError("We only accept GET") print >>sys.stderr, 'request is okay' # add the following line: return uri .. nextslide:: Pass It Along Now we can update our server code so that it uses the return value of ``parse_request``. .. rst-class:: build .. container:: That's a pretty simple change: .. code-block:: python try: uri = parse_request(request) # update this line except NotImplementedError: response = response_method_not_allowed() else: # and modify this block try: content, mime_type = resolve_uri(url) except NameError: response = response_not_found() else: response = response_ok(content, mime_type) Homework ======== .. rst-class:: left .. container:: You may have noticed that we just added calls to functions that don't yet exist .. rst-class:: build .. container:: It's a program that shows you what you want to do, but won't actually run. For your homework this week you will create these functions, completing the HTTP server. Your starting point will be what we've made here in class. I've added a directory to ``resources/session02`` called ``homework``. In it, you'll find this ``http_server.py`` file we've just written in class. That file also contains enough stub code for the missing functions to let the server run. And there are more tests for you to make pass! One Step At A Time ------------------ Take the following steps one at a time. Run the tests in ``assignments/session02/homework`` between to ensure that you are getting it right. .. rst-class:: build * Complete the stub ``resolve_uri`` function so that it handles looking up resources on disk using the URI returned by ``parse_request``. * Make sure that if the URI does not map to a file that exists, it raises an appropriate error for our server to handle. * Complete the ``response_not_found`` function stub so that it returns a 404 response. * Update ``response_ok`` so that it uses the values returned by ``resolve_uri`` by the URI. (these have already been added to the function signature) * You'll plug those values into the response you generate in the way required by the protocol HTTP Headers ------------ Along the way, you'll discover that simply returning the content of a file as an HTTP response body is insufficient. Different *types* of content need to be identified to your browser .. rst-class:: build .. container:: We can fix this by passing information about exactly what we are returning as part of the response. HTTP provides for this type of thing with the generic idea of *Headers* HTTP Headers ------------ Both requests and responses can contain **headers** of the form ``Name: Value`` .. rst-class:: build .. container:: .. rst-class:: build * HTTP 1.0 has 16 valid headers, 1.1 has 46 * Any number of spaces or tabs may separate the *name* from the *value* * If a header line starts with spaces or tabs, it is considered part of the value for the previous header * Header *names* are **not** case-sensitive, but *values* may be read more about HTTP headers: http://www.cs.tut.fi/~jkorpela/http.html Content-Type Header ------------------- A very common header used in HTTP responses is ``Content-Type``. It tells the client what to expect. .. rst-class:: build .. container:: .. rst-class:: build * uses **mime-type** (Multi-purpose Internet Mail Extensions) * foo.jpeg - ``Content-Type: image/jpeg`` * foo.png - ``Content-Type: image/png`` * bar.txt - ``Content-Type: text/plain`` * baz.html - ``Content-Type: text/html`` There are *many* mime-type identifiers: http://www.freeformatter.com/mime-types-list.html Mapping Mime-types ------------------ By mapping a given file to a mime-type, we can write a header. .. rst-class:: build .. container:: The standard lib module ``mimetypes`` does just this. We can guess the mime-type of a file based on the filename or map a file extension to a type: .. code-block:: pycon >>> import mimetypes >>> mimetypes.guess_type('file.txt') ('text/plain', None) >>> mimetypes.types_map['.txt'] 'text/plain' Resolving a URI --------------- Your ``resolve_uri`` function will need to accomplish the following tasks: .. rst-class:: build * It should take a URI as the sole argument * It should map the pathname represented by the URI to a filesystem location. * It should have a 'home directory', and look only in that location. * If the URI is a directory, it should return a plain-text listing of the directory contents and the mimetype ``text/plain``. * If the URI is a file, it should return the contents of that file and its correct mimetype. * If the URI does not map to a real location, it should raise an exception that the server can catch to return a 404 response. Use Your Tests -------------- One of the benefits of test-driven development is that the tests that are failing should tell you what code you need to write. .. rst-class:: build .. container:: As you work your way through the steps outlined above, look at your tests. Write code that makes them pass. If all the tests in ``assignments/session02/tests.py`` are passing, you've completed the assignment. Submitting Your Homework ------------------------ To submit your homework: .. rst-class:: build .. container:: .. rst-class:: build * Do your work in the ``assignments/session02`` directory of **your fork** of the class respository * When you have all tests passing, push your work to **your fork** in github. * Using the github web interface, send me a pull request. I will review your work when I receive your pull requests, make comments on it there, and then close the pull request. A Few Steps Further ------------------- If you are able to finish the above in less than 4-6 hours, consider taking on one or more of the following challenges: .. rst-class:: build * Format directory listings as HTML, so you can link to files. * Add a GMT ``Date:`` header in the proper format (RFC-1123) to responses. *hint: see email.utils.formatdate in the python standard library* * Add a ``Content-Length:`` header for ``OK`` responses that provides a correct value. * Protect your server against errors by providing, and using, a function that returns a ``500 Internal Server Error`` response. * Instead of returning the python script in ``webroot`` as plain text, execute the file and return the results as HTML.