********** Session 08 ********** .. figure:: /_static/django-pony.png :align: center :width: 60% image: http://djangopony.com/ Building a Django Application ============================= .. rst-class:: large Wherein we build a simple blogging app. A Full Stack Framework ---------------------- Django comes with: .. rst-class:: build .. container:: .. rst-class:: build * Persistence via the *Django ORM* * CRUD content editing via the automatic *Django Admin* * URL Mapping via *urlpatterns* * Templating via the *Django Template Language* * Caching with levels of configurability * Internationalization via i18n hooks * Form rendering and handling * User authentication and authorization Pretty much everything you need to make a solid website quickly .. nextslide:: What Sets it Apart? Lots of frameworks offer some of these features, if not all. .. rst-class:: build .. container:: What is Django's *killer feature* .. rst-class:: centered **The Django Admin** .. nextslide:: The Django Admin Works in concert with the Django ORM to provide automatic CRUD functionality .. rst-class:: build .. container:: You write the models, it provides the UI You've seen this in action. Pretty neat, eh? .. nextslide:: The Pareto Principle The Django Admin is a great example of the Pareto Priciple, a.k.a. the 80/20 rule: .. rst-class:: build .. container:: .. rst-class:: centered **80% of the problems can be solved by 20% of the effort** The converse also holds true: .. rst-class:: centered **Fixing the last 20% of the problems will take the remaining 80% of the effort.** .. nextslide:: Other Django Advantages .. ifnotslides:: **Other Django Advantages** Clearly the most popular full-stack Python web framework at this time .. rst-class:: build .. container:: Popularity translates into: .. rst-class:: build * Active, present community * Plethora of good examples to be found online * Rich ecosystem of *apps* (encapsulated add-on functionality) .. rst-class:: centered **Jobs** .. nextslide:: Active Development Django releases in the last 12+ months (a short list): .. rst-class:: build .. container:: .. rst-class:: build * 1.9 (December 2015) * 1.8.7 (November 2015) * 1.7.11 (November 2015) * 1.8.5 (October 2015) * 1.7.10 (August 2015) * 1.8.3 (July 2015) * 1.8 (April 2015) * 1.7.7 (March 2015) * 1.7.4 (January 2014) Django 1.8 is the second *Long Term Support* version, with a guaranteed support period of three years. .. nextslide:: Great Documentation Thorough, readable, and discoverable. .. rst-class:: build .. container:: Led the way to better documentation for all Python `Read The Docs `_ - built in connection with Django, sponsored by the Django Software Foundation. Write documentation as part of your python package. Render new versions of that documentation for every commit. .. rst-class:: centered **this is awesome** Where We Stand -------------- For your homework this week, you created a ``Post`` model to serve as the heart of our blogging app. .. rst-class:: build .. container:: You also took some time to get familiar with the basic workings of the Django ORM. You made a minor modification to our model class and wrote a test for it. And you installed the Django Admin site and added your app to it. Going Further ------------- One of the most common features in a blog is the ability to categorize posts. .. rst-class:: build .. container:: Let's add this feature to our blog! To do so, we'll be adding a new model, and making some changes to existing code. .. rst-class:: build This means that we'll need to *change our database schema*. .. nextslide:: Changing a Database You've seen how to add new tables to a database using the ``migrate`` command. .. rst-class:: build .. container:: And you've created your first migration in setting up the ``Post`` model. This is an example of altering the *database schema* using Python code. Starting in Django 1.7, this ability is available built-in to Django. Before verson 1.7 it was available in an add-on called `South`_. .. _South: http://south.readthedocs.org/en/latest .. nextslide:: Adding a Model We want to add a new model to represent the categories our blog posts might fall into. .. rst-class:: build .. container:: This model will need to have: .. rst-class:: build * a name for the category * a longer description * a relationship to the Post model .. code-block:: python # in models.py class Category(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=128) description = models.TextField(blank=True) posts = models.ManyToManyField(Post, blank=True, related_name='categories') .. nextslide:: Strange Relationships In our ``Post`` model, we used a ``ForeignKeyField`` field to match an author to her posts. .. rst-class:: build .. container:: This models the situation in which a single author can have many posts, while each post has only one author. We call this a *Many to One* relationship. But any given ``Post`` might belong in more than one ``Category``. And it would be a waste to allow only one ``Post`` for each ``Category``. Enter the ``ManyToManyField`` .. nextslide:: Add a Migration To get these changes set up, we now add a new migration. .. rst-class:: build .. container:: We use the ``makemigrations`` management command to do so: .. code-block:: bash (djangoenv)$ ./manage.py makemigrations Migrations for 'myblog': 0002_category.py: - Create model Category .. nextslide:: Apply A Migration Once the migration has been created, we can apply it with the ``migrate`` management command. .. rst-class:: build .. container:: .. code-block:: bash (djangoenv)$ ./manage.py migrate Operations to perform: Apply all migrations: sessions, contenttypes, admin, myblog, auth Running migrations: Rendering model states... DONE Applying myblog.0002_category... OK You can even look at the migration file you just applied, ``myblog/migrations/0002_category.py`` to see what happened. .. nextslide:: Make Categories Look Nice Let's make ``Category`` object look nice the same way we did with ``Post``. Start with a test: .. rst-class:: build .. container:: add this to ``tests.py``: .. code-block:: python # another import from myblog.models import Category # and the test case and test class CategoryTestCase(TestCase): def test_string_representation(self): expected = "A Category" c1 = Category(name=expected) actual = str(c1) self.assertEqual(expected, actual) .. nextslide:: Make it Pass When you run your tests, you now have two, and one is failing because the ``Category`` object doesn't look right. .. rst-class:: build .. container:: .. code-block:: bash (djangoenv)$ ./manage.py test myblog Creating test database for alias 'default'... ... Ran 2 tests in 0.011s FAILED (failures=1) Do you remember how you made that change for a ``Post``? .. code-block:: python class Category(models.Model): #... def __str__(self): return self.name .. nextslide:: Admin for Categories Adding our new model to the Django admin is equally simple. .. rst-class:: build .. container:: Simply add the following line to ``myblog/admin.py`` .. code-block:: python # a new import from myblog.models import Category # and a new admin registration admin.site.register(Category) .. nextslide:: Test It Out Fire up the Django development server and see what you have in the admin: .. code-block:: bash (djangoenv)$ ./manage.py runserver Validating models... ... Starting development server at Quit the server with CONTROL-C. .. rst-class:: build .. container:: Point your browser at ``http://localhost:8000/admin/``, log in and play. Add a few categories, put some posts in them. Visit your posts, add new ones and then categorize them. BREAK TIME ---------- We've completed a data model for our application. And thanks to Django's easy-to-use admin, we have a reasonable CRUD application where we can manage blog posts and the categories we put them in. When we return, we'll put a public face on our new creation. If you've fallen behind, the app as it stands now is in our class resources as ``mysite_stage_1`` A Public Face ============= .. rst-class:: left Point your browser at http://localhost:8000/ .. rst-class:: build left .. container:: What do you see? Why? We need to add some public pages for our blog. In Django, the code that builds a page that you can see is called a *view*. Django Views ------------ A *view* can be defined as a *callable* that takes a request and returns a response. .. rst-class:: build .. container:: This should sound pretty familiar to you. Classically, Django views were functions. Version 1.3 added support for Class-based Views (a class with a ``__call__`` method is a callable) .. nextslide:: A Basic View Let's add a really simple view to our app. .. rst-class:: build .. container:: It will be a stub for our public UI. Add this to ``views.py`` in ``myblog`` .. code-block:: python from django.http import HttpResponse, HttpResponseRedirect, Http404 def stub_view(request, *args, **kwargs): body = "Stub View\n\n" if args: body += "Args:\n" body += "\n".join(["\t%s" % a for a in args]) if kwargs: body += "Kwargs:\n" body += "\n".join(["\t%s: %s" % i for i in kwargs.items()]) return HttpResponse(body, content_type="text/plain") .. nextslide:: Hooking It Up In your homework tutorial, you learned about Django **urlconfs** .. rst-class:: build .. container:: We used our project urlconf to hook the Django admin into our project. We want to do the same thing for our new app. In general, an *app* that serves any sort of views should contain its own urlconf. The project urlconf should mainly *include* these where possible. .. nextslide:: Adding A Urlconf Create a new file ``urls.py`` inside the ``myblog`` app package. .. rst-class:: build .. container:: Open it in your editor and add the following code: .. code-block:: python from django.conf.urls import url from myblog.views import stub_view urlpatterns = [ url(r'^$', stub_view, name="blog_index"), ] .. nextslide:: Include Blog Urls In order for our new urls to load, we'll need to include them in our project urlconf .. rst-class:: build .. container:: Open ``urls.py`` from the ``mysite`` project package and add this: .. code-block:: python # add this new import from django.conf.urls import include # then modify urlpatterns as follows: urlpatterns = [ url(r'^', include('myblog.urls')), #<- add this #... other included urls ] Try reloading http://localhost:8000/ You should see some output now. Project URL Space ----------------- A project is defined by the urls a user can visit. .. rst-class:: build .. container:: What should our users be able to see when they visit our blog? .. rst-class:: build * A list view that shows blog posts, most recent first. * An individual post view, showing a single post (a permalink). Let's add urls for each of these. For now, we'll use the stub view we've created so we can concentrate on the url routing. .. nextslide:: Our URLs We've already got a good url for the list page: ``blog_index`` at '/' .. rst-class:: build .. container:: For the view of a single post, we'll need to capture the id of the post. Add this to ``urlpatterns`` in ``myblog/urls.py``: .. code-block:: python url(r'^posts/(\d+)/$', stub_view, name="blog_detail"), ``(\d+)`` captures one or more digits as the post_id. Load http://localhost:8000/posts/1234/ and see what you get. .. nextslide:: A Word on Capture in URLs When you load the above url, you should see ``1234`` listed as an *arg* .. rst-class:: build .. container:: Try changing the route like so: .. code-block:: python r'^posts/(?P\d+)/$' Reload the same url. Notice the change. What's going on there? .. nextslide:: Regular Expression URLS Like Pyramid, Django uses Python regular expressions to build routes. .. rst-class:: build .. container:: Unlike Pyramid, Django *requires* regular expressions to capture segments in a route. When we built our WSGI book app, we used this same appraoch. There we learned about regular expression *capture groups*. We just changed an unnamed *capture group* to a named one. How you declare a capture group in your url pattern regexp influences how it will be passed to the view callable. .. nextslide:: Full Urlconf .. code-block:: python from django.conf.urls import url from myblog.views import stub_view urlpatterns = [ url(r'^$', stub_view, name="blog_index"), url(r'^posts/(?P\d+)/$', stub_view, name="blog_detail"), ] .. nextslide:: Testing Views Before we begin writing real views, we need to add some tests for the views we are about to create. .. rst-class:: build .. container:: We'll need tests for a list view and a detail view add the following *imports* at the top of ``myblog/tests.py``: .. code-block:: python import datetime from django.utils.timezone import utc .. nextslide:: Add a Test Case .. code-block:: python class FrontEndTestCase(TestCase): """test views provided in the front-end""" fixtures = ['myblog_test_fixture.json', ] def setUp(self): self.now = datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=utc) self.timedelta = datetime.timedelta(15) author = User.objects.get(pk=1) for count in range(1, 11): post = Post(title="Post %d Title" % count, text="foo", author=author) if count < 6: # publish the first five posts pubdate = self.now - self.timedelta * count post.published_date = pubdate post.save() Our List View ------------- We'd like our list view to show our posts. .. rst-class:: build .. container:: But in this blog, we have the ability to publish posts. Unpublished posts should not be seen in the front-end views. We set up our tests to have 5 published, and 5 unpublished posts Let's add a test to demonstrate that the right ones show up. .. nextslide:: Testing the List View .. code-block:: python Class FrontEndTestCase(TestCase): # already here # ... def test_list_only_published(self): resp = self.client.get('/') # the content of the rendered response is always a bytestring resp_text = resp.content.decode(resp.charset) self.assertTrue("Recent Posts" in resp_text) for count in range(1, 11): title = "Post %d Title" % count if count < 6: self.assertContains(resp, title, count=1) else: self.assertNotContains(resp, title) .. rst-class:: build .. container:: We test first to ensure that each published post is visible in our view. Note that we also test to ensure that the unpublished posts are *not* visible. .. nextslide:: Run Your Tests .. code-block:: bash (djangoenv)$ ./manage.py test myblog Creating test database for alias 'default'... .F. ====================================================================== FAIL: test_list_only_published (myblog.tests.FrontEndTestCase) ... Ran 3 tests in 0.024s FAILED (failures=1) Destroying test database for alias 'default'... .. nextslide:: Now Fix That Test! Add the view for listing blog posts to ``views.py``. .. code-block:: python # add these imports from django.template import RequestContext, loader from myblog.models import Post # and this view def list_view(request): published = Post.objects.exclude(published_date__exact=None) posts = published.order_by('-published_date') template = loader.get_template('list.html') context = RequestContext(request, { 'posts': posts, }) body = template.render(context) return HttpResponse(body, content_type="text/html") .. nextslide:: Getting Posts .. code-block:: python published = Post.objects.exclude(published_date__exact=None) posts = published.order_by('-published_date') .. rst-class:: build .. container:: We begin by using the QuerySet API to fetch all the posts that have ``published_date`` set Using the chaining nature of the API we order these posts by ``published_date`` Remember, at this point, no query has actually been issued to the database. .. nextslide:: Getting a Template .. code-block:: python template = loader.get_template('list.html') .. rst-class:: build .. container:: Django uses configuration to determine how to find templates. By default, Django looks in installed *apps* for a ``templates`` directory It also provides a place to list specific directories. Let's set that up in ``settings.py`` .. nextslide:: Project Templates Notice that ``settings.py`` already contains a ``BASE_DIR`` value which points to the root of our project (where both the project and app packages are located). .. rst-class:: build .. container:: In that same file, you'll find a list bound to the symbol ``TEMPLATES``. That list contains one dict with an empty list at the key ``DIRS``. Update that empty list as shown here: .. code-block:: python TEMPLATES = [ { 'BACKEND': 'django.template.backends.django.DjangoTemplates', 'DIRS': [os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'mysite/templates')], ... }, ] This will ensure that Django will look in your ``mysite`` project folder for a directory containing templates. .. nextslide:: The ``mysite`` project folder does not contain a ``templates`` directory, add one. .. rst-class:: build .. container:: Then, in that directory add a new file ``base.html`` and add the following: .. code-block:: jinja My Django Blog
{% block content %} [content will go here] {% endblock %}
Templates in Django ------------------- Before we move on, a quick word about Django templates. .. rst-class:: build .. container:: We've seen Jinja2 which was "inspired by Django's templating system". Basically, you already know how to write Django templates. Django templates **do not** allow any python expressions. https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.9/ref/templates/builtins/ .. nextslide:: Blog Templates Our view tries to load ``list.html``. .. rst-class:: build .. container:: This template is probably specific to the blog functionality of our site It is common to keep shared templates in your project directory and specialized ones in app directories. Add a ``templates`` directory to your ``myblog`` app, too. In it, create a new file ``list.html`` and add this: .. nextslide:: ``list.html`` .. code-block:: jinja {% extends "base.html" %}{% block content %}

Recent Posts

{% comment %} here is where the query happens {% endcomment %} {% for post in posts %}

{{ post }}

{{ post.text }}
    {% for category in post.categories.all %}
  • {{ category }}
  • {% endfor %}
{% endfor %} {% endblock %} .. nextslide:: Template Context .. code-block:: python context = RequestContext(request, { 'posts': posts, }) body = template.render(context) .. rst-class:: build .. container:: Like Jinja2, django templates are rendered by passing in a *context* Django's RequestContext provides common bits, similar to the context provided automatically by Pyramid We add our posts to that context so they can be used by the template. .. nextslide:: Return a Response .. code-block:: python return HttpResponse(body, content_type="text/html") .. rst-class:: build .. container:: Finally, we build an HttpResponse and return it. This is, fundamentally, no different from the ``stub_view`` just above. .. nextslide:: Fix URLs We need to fix the url for our blog index page .. rst-class:: build .. container:: Update ``urls.py`` in ``myblog``: .. code-block:: python # import the new view from myblog.views import list_view # and then update the urlconf url(r'^$', list_view, #<-- Change this value from stub_view name="blog_index"), Then run your tests again: .. code-block:: bash (djangoenv)$ ./manage.py test myblog ... Ran 3 tests in 0.033s OK .. nextslide:: Common Patterns This is a common pattern in Django views: .. rst-class:: build * get a template from the loader * build a context, usually using a RequestContext * render the template * return an HttpResponse .. rst-class:: build .. container:: So common in fact that Django provides a shortcut for us to use: ``render(request, template[, ctx][, ctx_instance])`` .. nextslide:: Shorten Our View Let's replace most of our view with the ``render`` shortcut .. code-block:: python from django.shortcuts import render # <- already there # rewrite our view def list_view(request): published = Post.objects.exclude(published_date__exact=None) posts = published.order_by('-published_date') context = {'posts': posts} return render(request, 'list.html', context) .. rst-class:: build Remember though, all we did manually before is still happening BREAK TIME ---------- We've got the front page for our application working great. Next, we'll need to provide a view of a detail page for a single post. Then we'll provide a way to log in and to navigate between the public part of our application and the admin behind it. If you've fallen behind, the app as it stands now is in our class resources as ``mysite_stage_2`` Our Detail View --------------- Next, let's add a view function for the detail view of a post .. rst-class:: build .. container:: It will need to get the ``id`` of the post to show as an argument Like the list view, it should only show published posts But unlike the list view, it will need to return *something* if an unpublished post is requested. Let's start with the tests in ``views.py`` .. nextslide:: Testing the Details Add the following test to our ``FrontEndTestCase`` in ``myblog/tests.py``: .. code-block:: python def test_details_only_published(self): for count in range(1, 11): title = "Post %d Title" % count post = Post.objects.get(title=title) resp = self.client.get('/posts/%d/' % post.pk) if count < 6: self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 200) self.assertContains(resp, title) else: self.assertEqual(resp.status_code, 404) .. nextslide:: Run Your Tests .. code-block:: bash (djangoenv)$ ./manage.py test myblog Creating test database for alias 'default'... .F.. ====================================================================== FAIL: test_details_only_published (myblog.tests.FrontEndTestCase) ... Ran 4 tests in 0.043s FAILED (failures=1) Destroying test database for alias 'default'... .. nextslide:: Let's Fix That Test Now, add a new view to ``myblog/views.py``: .. code-block:: python def detail_view(request, post_id): published = Post.objects.exclude(published_date__exact=None) try: post = published.get(pk=post_id) except Post.DoesNotExist: raise Http404 context = {'post': post} return render(request, 'detail.html', context) .. nextslide:: Missing Content .. code-block:: python try: post = published.get(pk=post_id) except Post.DoesNotExist: raise Http404 One of the features of the Django ORM is that all models raise a DoesNotExist exception if ``get`` returns nothing. .. rst-class:: build .. container:: This exception is actually an attribute of the Model you look for. There's also an ``ObjectDoesNotExist`` for when you don't know which model you have. We can use that fact to raise a Not Found exception. Django will handle the rest for us. .. nextslide:: Add the Template We also need to add ``detail.html`` to ``myblog/templates``: .. code-block:: jinja {% extends "base.html" %} {% block content %} Home

{{ post }}

{{ post.text }}
    {% for category in post.categories.all %}
  • {{ category }}
  • {% endfor %}
{% endblock %} .. nextslide:: Hook it Up In order to view a single post, we'll need a link from the list view .. rst-class:: build .. container:: We can use the ``url`` template tag (like Pyramid's ``request.route_url``): .. code-block:: jinja {% url '' arg1 arg2 %} In our ``list.html`` template, let's link the post titles: .. code-block:: jinja {% for post in posts %}

{{ post }}

... .. nextslide:: Fix URLs Again, we need to insert our new view into the existing ``myblog/urls.py`` in ``myblog``: .. code-block:: python # import the view from myblog.views import detail_view url(r'^posts/(?P\d+)/$', detail_view, #<-- Change this from stub_view name="blog_detail"), .. rst-class:: build small :: (djangoenv)$ ./manage.py test myblog ... Ran 4 tests in 0.077s OK .. nextslide:: A Moment To Play We've got some good stuff to look at now. Fire up the server .. rst-class:: build .. container:: Reload your blog index page and click around a bit. You can now move back and forth between list and detail view. Try loading the detail view for a post that doesn't exist .. nextslide:: Congratulations You've got a functional Blog .. rst-class:: build .. container:: It's not very pretty, though. We can fix that by adding some css This gives us a chance to learn about Django's handling of *static files* Static Files ------------ Like templates, Django expects to find static files in particular locations .. rst-class:: build .. container:: It will look for them in a directory named ``static`` in any installed apps. They will be served from the url path in the STATIC_URL setting. By default, this is ``/static/`` To allow Django to automatically build the correct urls for your static files, you use a special *template tag*:: {% static %} .. nextslide:: Add CSS I've prepared a css file for us to use. You can find it in the class resources .. rst-class:: build .. container:: Create a new directory ``static`` in the ``myblog`` app. Copy the ``django_blog.css`` file into that new directory. .. container:: Next, load the static files template tag into ``base.html`` (this **must** be on the *first line* of the template): .. code-block:: jinja {% load staticfiles %} .. container:: Finally, add a link to the stylesheet using the special template tag: .. code-block:: html My Django Blog .. nextslide:: View Your Results Reload http://localhost:8000/ and view the results of your work .. rst-class:: build .. container:: We now have a reasonable view of the posts of our blog on the front end And we have a way to create and categorize posts using the admin However, we lack a way to move between the two. Let's add that ability next. Global Navigation ----------------- We'll start by adding a control bar to our ``base.html`` template: .. code-block:: jinja ...
... .. nextslide:: Request Context Revisited When we set up our views, we used the ``render`` shortcut, which provides a ``RequestContext`` .. rst-class:: build .. container:: This gives us access to ``user`` in our templates It provides access to methods about the state and rights of that user We can use these to conditionally display links or UI elements. Like only showing the admin link to staff members. .. nextslide:: Login/Logout Django also provides a reasonable set of views for login/logout. .. rst-class:: build .. container:: The first step to using them is to hook them into a urlconf. .. container:: Add the following to ``mysite/urls.py``: .. code-block:: python # add an import at the top from django.contrib.auth.views import login, logout # and update the list of urlconfs url(r'^', include('myblog.urls')), #<- already there url(r'^login/$', login, {'template_name': 'login.html'}, name="login"), url(r'^logout/$', logout, {'next_page': '/'}, name="logout"), .. nextslide:: Login Template We need to create a new ``login.html`` template in ``mysite/templates``: .. code-block:: jinja {% extends "base.html" %} {% block content %}

My Blog Login

{% csrf_token %} {{ form.as_p }}

{% endblock %} .. nextslide:: Submitting Forms In a web application, submitting forms is potentially hazardous .. rst-class:: build .. container:: Data is being sent to our application from some remote place If that data is going to alter the state of our application, we **must** use POST Even so, we are vulnerable to Cross-Site Request Forgery, a common attack vector. .. nextslide:: Danger: CSRF Django provides a convenient system to fight this. .. rst-class:: build .. container:: In fact, for POST requests, it *requires* that you use it. The Django middleware that does this is enabled by default. All you need to do is include the ``{% csrf_token %}`` tag in your form. .. nextslide:: Hooking It Up In ``base.html`` make the following updates: .. rst-class:: build .. container:: .. code-block:: jinja admin logout login .. container:: Finally, in ``settings.py`` add the following: .. code-block:: python LOGIN_URL = '/login/' LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL = '/' .. nextslide:: Forms In Django In adding a login view, we've gotten a sneak peak at how forms work in Django. .. rst-class:: build .. container:: However, learning more about them is beyond what we can achieve in this session. The form system in Django is quite nice, however. I urge you to `read more about it`_ In particular, you might want to pay attention to the documentation on `Model Forms`_ .. _read more about it: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.6/topics/forms/ .. _Model Forms: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.6/topics/forms/modelforms/ Ta-Daaaaaa! ----------- So, that's it. We've created a workable, simple blog app in Django. .. rst-class:: build .. container:: If you fell behind at some point, the app as it now stands is in our class resources as ``mysite_stage_3``. There's much more we could do with this app. And for homework, you'll do some of it. Then next session, we'll work together as pairs to implement a simple feature to extend the blog Homework ======== .. rst-class:: left For your homework this week, we'll fix one glaring problem with our blog admin. .. rst-class:: build left .. container:: As you created new categories and posts, and related them to each-other, how did you feel about that work? Although from a data perspective, the category model is the right place for the ManytoMany relationship to posts, this leads to awkward usage in the admin. It would be much easier if we could designate a category for a post *from the Post admin*. Your Assignment --------------- You'll be reversing that relationship so that you can only add categories to posts .. rst-class:: build .. container:: Take the following steps: 1. Read the documentation about the `Django admin.`_ 2. You'll need to create a customized `ModelAdmin`_ class for the ``Post`` and ``Category`` models. 3. And you'll need to create an `InlineModelAdmin`_ to represent Categories on the Post admin view. 4. Finally, you'll need to `exclude`_ the 'posts' field from the form in your ``Category`` admin. .. _Django admin.: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.9/ref/contrib/admin/ .. _ModelAdmin: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.9/ref/contrib/admin/#modeladmin-objects .. _InlineModelAdmin: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.9/ref/contrib/admin/#inlinemodeladmin-objects .. _exclude: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.9/ref/contrib/admin/#django.contrib.admin.ModelAdmin.exclude .. nextslide:: Pushing Further All told, those changes should not require more than about 15 total lines of code. .. rst-class:: build .. container:: The trick of course is reading and finding out which fifteen lines to write. If you complete that task in less than 3-4 hours of work, consider looking into other ways of customizing the admin. .. nextslide:: Tasks you might consider .. rst-class:: build * Change the admin index to say 'Categories' instead of 'Categorys'. (hint, the way to change this has nothing to do with the admin) * Add columns for the date fields to the list display of Posts. * Display the created and modified dates for your posts when viewing them in the admin. * Add a column to the list display of Posts that shows the author. For more fun, make this a link that takes you to the admin page for that user. * For the biggest challenge, look into `admin actions`_ and add an action to the Post admin that allows you to publish posts in bulk from the Post list display .. _admin actions: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.6/ref/contrib/admin/actions/