A 20-minute introduction to DB-API2

An introduction to the standard interface for Pythonic database interactions.


Despite the norms of SQL, individual databases have lots of differences.

Programmers don’t want to have to think about implementation details for underlying systems.

It would be nice to have a single API to hide these details.

Any package implementing this API would then be interchangeable.

Finalized in 1996, PEP 248 specified DB-API version 1.0 to fulfill this goal:

“This API has been defined to encourage similarity between the Python modules that are used to access databases. By doing this, we hope to achieve a consistency leading to more easily understood modules, code that is generally more portable across databases, and a broader reach of database connectivity from Python.”

source: http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0248/

By 2001, PEP 249 brought version 2.0 of the DB-API specification, with improvements:

  • New column types were added to support all basic data types in “modern” SQL
  • New API constants were added to help detect differences between implementations
  • The semantics for calling stored procedures were clarified.
  • Class-based exceptions were added to improve error handling possibilities

Discussions are currently underway to push DB-API v3.0, particularly in light of the changes in Python 3.0

source: http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0249/

Specification, not Implementation

It is important to remember that PEP 249 is only a specification.

There is no code or package for DB-API 2.0 on it’s own.

Since 2.5, the Python Standard Library has provided a reference implementation of the api based on the SQLite3 RDBMS.

Before version 2.5, this package was available as pysqlite (and it still is).

Installing Implementations

To use the DB API with any database other than SQLite3, you must have an underlying API package available.

Implementations are available for:

  • PostgreSQL (psycopg2, txpostgres, ...)
  • MySQL (mysql-python, PyMySQL, ...)
  • MS SQL Server (adodbapi, pymssql, mxODBC, pyodbc, ...)
  • Oracle (cx_Oracle, mxODBC, pyodbc, ...)
  • and many more...

source: http://wiki.python.org/moin/DatabaseInterfaces

Most db api packages can be installed using typical Pythonic methods:

$ pip install psycopg2
$ pip install mysql-python

Some Assembly Required

Most api packages will require that the development headers for the underlying database system be available. Without these, the C symbols required for communication with the db are not present and the wrapper cannot work.


Some of the db api wrappers have special installation requirements.

The MS SQL package runs only on Windows and requires pywin32. It is included in versions of pywin32 since v211.

The cx_Oracle package has binary installers, or can be installed from source using distutils:

$ python setup.py build
$ python setup.py install


What is in the DB API?


DB-API2 implementations provide the following global values:

String constant indicating the api version (“1.0” or “2.0”)
Integer constant between 0 and 3 indicating the scope in which threads may safely be used
String contstant indicating the style of marker used for parameter substitution in SQL expressions

These can be used to tailor your program’s expectations.

A Constructor

DB API provides a constructor connect, which returns a Connection object:


This can be considered the entry point for the module. Once you’ve got a connection, everything else flows from there.

The parameters required and accepted by the connect constructor will vary from implementation to implementation, since they are highly specific to the underlying database.

A Connection

Some of the methods of the connection may not be supported by all implementations:

Closes the connection to the database permanently. Attempts to use the connection after calling this will raise a DB-API Error.
explicitly commit any pending transactions to the databse. The method should be a no-op if the underlying db does not support transactions.
This optional method causes a transaction to be rolled back to the starting point. It may not be implemented everywhere.
returns a Cursor object which uses this Connection.

A Cursor - settings

You can use a few values to control the rows returned by the cursor:

An integer which controls how many rows are returned at a time by .fetchmany (and optionally how many to send at a time with .executemany) Defaults to 1
Used to set aside memory regions for paramters passed to an operation
.setoutputsize(size[, column])
Used to control buffer size for large columns returned by an operation (BLOB or LONG types, for example).

The final two methods may be implemented as no-ops

A Cursor - operations

The cursor should be used to run operations on the database:

.execute(operation[, parameters])
Prepares and then runs a database operation. Parameter style (seq or mapping) and markers are implementation specific (see paramstyle)
.executemany(operation[, seq_of_params])
Prepares and the runs an operations once for each set of parameters provided (this replaces the old v1 behavior of passing a seq to .execute).
.callproc(procname[, parameters])
Calls a stored DB procedure with the provided parameters. Returns a modified version of the provided parameters with output and input/output parameters replaced

A Cursor - attributes

These attributes of Cursor can help you learn about the results of operations:

Tells how many rows have been returned or affected by the last operation. The number will be -1 if no operation has been performed.
Returns a sequence of 7-item sequences describing each of the columns in the result row(s) returned (None if no operation has been performed):
  • name
  • type_code
  • display_size (optional)
  • internal_size (optional)
  • precision (optional)
  • scale (optional)
  • null_ok (optional)

A Cursor - results

The return value .execute or .executemany is undefined and should not be used. These methods are the way to get results after an operation:

Returns the next row from a result set, and None when none remain.
Returns a sequence of size rows (or fewer) from a result set. An empty sequence is returned when no rows remain. Defaults to arraysize.
Returns all (remaining) rows from a result set. This behavior may be affected by arraysize.

Note that each of these methods will raise a DB API Error if no operation has been performed (or if no result set was produced)

Data Types & Constructors

The DB-API provides types and constructors for data:

  • Date(year, month, day) - constructs an object holding a date value
  • Time(hour, min, sec) - constructs an object holding a time value
  • Timestamp(y, m, d, h, min, s) - constructs an object holding a timestamp

Each of the above has a corresponding <name>FromTicks(ticks) which returns the same type given a single integer argument (seconds since the epoch)

  • Binary(string) - constructs an object to hold long binary string data
  • STRING - a type to describe columns that hold string values (CHAR)
  • BINARY - a type to describe long binary columns (BLOB, RAW)
  • NUMBER - a type to describe numeric columns
  • DATETIME - a type to describe date/time/datetime columns
  • ROWID - a type to describe the Row ID column in a database

SQL NULL values are represented by Python’s None


The DB API specification requires implementations to create the following hierarchy of custom Exception classes:

   ├──InterfaceError (a problem with the db api)
   └──DatabaseError (a problem with the database)
      ├──DataError (bad data, values out of range, etc.)
      ├──OperationalError (the db has an issue out of our control)
      ├──ProgrammingError (something wrong with the operation)
      └──NotSupportedError (the operation is not supported)

Aside from some custom extensions not required by the specification, that’s it.